Matteson Art


About The Painting

Heaven (6'3" by 8' acrylic on canvas) is the companion piece to Hell. I started Heaven while I live in Winston-Salem and completed it after I moved to Louisville in 2008. The image of the Heaven is missing the two angels with a scroll of life. Both paintings are about judgement.

Jesus, seated at the right hand of God is pointing at me, climbing the stairs on my knees. The Holy Spirit, represented by a white dove, is close to the throne on God's left. The royal seats are suspended in the air above the gold walkway and seven candels are placed around the throne. The walkway leads to a city of gold (not shown) and two angels float in the air holding a scroll on the right side of Jesus near pillar (on our left).

The other scenes included two angels playing a guitar and a violin in the left bottom section and a devil's angel pulling a sinner off the gold walkway on the right. A circular rainbow (real rainbows are elliptical) appears around the throne. At some point I'll get new photos that show the recent additions.