Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:43:32 AM
Mona Lisa: Driftwood series- a painting in progress DAY 2
So I roughed the background:

I kept Leonardo's path (road) to the lake on the left and his bridge on the right. Let's look at Leonardo's masterpiece:

Here's my painting with background fuller picture:

So now we have the rough, it took about 4-5 hours to get to this point. Who knows how many years Leonardo worked on the Mona Lisa. According to his biographer Vasari, Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503, during the Italian Renaissance and, "after he had lingered over it four years, left it unfinished...." He is thought to have continued to work on it for three years after he moved to France and to have finished it shortly before he died in 1519.
Now I need to decide how to turn the painting into a tree trunk, that will take some thought. There are also more details and light and dark to be added.
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