Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:14:45 PM
Salty Dog: Rough pics and close-ups
This is a wild painting featuring a variety of scenes including a little girl lifting the ocean to get her ball- the ocean turning into a giant wave and then becoming a green pasture with a wild hog running on it. A hunter standing on a giant hot dog and lifting his gun, has a finger on his trigger and is eyeing the hog. Two old maids are sitting in the sand...each one is wishing the other was a man. It also features cameos of Miss California and Mel Gibson as well a hog running above a meat grinder! What did I leave out???

Entire crazy painting (shot at an angle but you can see everything)

Close up Two old maids; a giant hot dog on a stick; salt shaker and dog; Miss California; the girl lifting the ocean

Watch out for the meat grinder Mr. Hog!

Sitting on the corner with the lowdown blues. Great big hole in the bottom of my shoes!
Copyright 2006