About the Painting

Shoes: 3' by 4' gesso on posterboard with a Chestnut frame was painted in my art class at St. Mary's during my Sophomere year around 1972. The black shoes I wore when I was on the Basketball team had giant holes in the bottom of them. Yes they were old and word but I had a thing about the shoes, sort of like the giant hole Wille Nelson has in his guitar. Sure he could buy another guitar but he just like his old guitar.

                 Shoes- 1972

I remember traveling with the basketball team on some away games in the middle of winter 71-72. One game was in a snow storm and the holes in my shoes were so amusing then. There was much left of those old black shoes when they were finally "retired" that Spring. There one Chuck Taylor tennis shoe- amazing that 40 years later the Chuck Talyor's are still in style.

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