Spectral Bittersweet Clam (Sunburst Spectral Bittersweet Clam)
Glycymeris Spectralis
Nicol, 1952

Enlarged pic of a nice Sunburst Spectral Bittersweet (about 1")
The Spectral Bittersweet shell size ranges from small (1/4") to larger about 1 1/2". The shell is elliptical and compressed. Sculpture of 30-40 flat, low ribs. Hinge teeth about 10 on each side. Normal colors range from white to dark brown. The shells with brown or white lines extending from the beak are called "Sunburst." Below are some variations of color. in the "Sunburst" versions:

"Sunburst" Spectral Bittersweets
The following versions are mainly white or white. Notice that traces of the brown color remain on many of the mostly white shells. On the reverse side around the beak the pure white shells (see two below) have a dash of brown making them easy to identify as Spectral Bittersweets.

Mostly white or light tan Spectral Bittersweets
In the middle row the tan concentric bands are visible. These bands are most easily seen in hte solid brown variants. There are also gray variants which are somewhat rare.