Ivory Cerith
Cerithium eburneum (Adams, C.B., 1845)
Family Cerithiidae
This version of Ceriths are farily rare on S. Hutchinson Island.

Collected on S. Hutchinson Island- January, 2020
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[open book] [Page/Plate]
Colombian Seashells from the Caribbean Sea p 60; 221/138
Encyclopedia of Marine Gastropods p 65/4
Moluscos . . . De Margarita, Venezuela p 47-48; Pl. 2/10
Compendium of Seashells p 65/3.4
Sea Shells of the West Indies p 88
Audubon - Field Guide to North American Shells Pl. 194; 438
Elenco della Famiglia Cerithiidae Vol 2 p 61; Pl. 74/ 1-6
Cerithium (Thericium) algicola Adams, C.B., 1845
Colombian Seashells from the Caribbean Sea p 60/138
Cerithium pulicarium Philippi, R.A., 1848 : Yucatán, Mexico
Elenco della Famiglia Cerithiidae Vol 2 p 130
Cerithium graviliforme Sowerby, G.B. II, 1855 : Antilles
Elenco della Famiglia Cerithiidae Vol 2 p 76
Cerithium planispiratum Sowerby, G.B. II, 1855 : Caribbean
Elenco della Famiglia Cerithiidae Vol 2 p 126
Cerithidea mazatlanica varicosa (var.) Carpenter, 1867
Elenco della Famiglia Cerithiidae Vol 2 p 165