Blonde Semele
Semele purpurascens (Gmelin, 1791)
Family Semelidae
The Blonde Semele is a "Tan" or "Yellow" Semele which generally does not have purple or orange present. It is a variation of color of the Purple Semele with the beak being light or dark blonde and the outer shell being a blonde (yellowish, tan) color. There is some blending in some shells with both the Purplish and Orangish semeles.
The shell size to 1.5" shell compressed, thin, orbicular. Sculpture of fine growth lines crosser by finer radial lines. Umbones almost central, pointing forward. Lunule small. Color ivory-white, internally yellow with reddish-brown or mauve speckles.

These light tan semeles have a yellow tint to the interiors.